Wave Operations

Bald Mountain Soaring Areas

There are three "wave windows" available to CSA for high-altitude wave soaring. Before contemplating any use of these areas, the pilot should be thoroughly familiar with wave flying procedures in general and with the Letter of Agreement with the FAA.

The corners of the wave areas are designed to be easily determined by visual reference. Common sense dicatates that you should plot the wave boundaries on a sectional and carry it with you in flight.

In brief, the procedures for using the wave areas are:

  • Learn about wave flying from Practical Wave Flying, by Mark Palmer.
  • Complete the Air Force high-altitude physiological training ("chamber ride") and get a wave checkout from a CSA instructor, per the CSA Flight Rules.
  • Acquaint yourself with the boundaries of the wave areas.
  • Prepare the glider and equipment.
  • Phone Denver ARTCC at least 30 minutes ahead of entering the wave area and have ready the glider ID, areas and altitudes requested, and time desired.
  • In flight, call Denver ARTCC on the radio before entering the wave area.
  • Monitor the ARTCC frequency at all times, except when using 123.3 or 123.5, and then only after coordinating the frequency change with ARTCC.
  • Notify ARTCC by radio when leaving the wave area.
    • When the wave area is no longer needed, notify ARTCC by radio or phone.
    • In the event of a radio failure, the glider can remain in the wave area only until the end of the pre-arranged time block.

Wave Agreement

Following are PDF images of the official wave agreement with Denver ARTCC.  Before using the Bald Moountain wave windows, print and read each item.


Updated 05/06/2024